Rocky Road Squares

These lil guys are sooo addictive LOL !! I put them in the freezer and eat them from there. They aren't too frozen to bite into at all. I love cold marshmallows. My mother wasn't a baker at all so not sure who she got this recipe from. I've been making it in these last 25 yrs that I've had the book (writing this August 2020) and they are an absolute fav. I've made them with all sorts of different chips, milk chocolate, white chocolate, butterscotch, a mixture of dark and white. I've also switched the peanuts up for almonds on occasion and cashews, I'm not a huge peanut fan. One of my favorites with this was macadamia nuts, white chocolate chips and I made multi-colored marshmallows. Play with these. They're super quick and really awesome.
Servings: 36 yield(s)
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 20 mins
  • 12 oz chocolate chips (yup, the whole lil bag, use whatever kind you want)
  • 14 oz condensed milk (yup, whole can, super easy cleanup right)
  • 2 tbsp butter (you can use margarine but it's not the same)
  • 2 cup dry roasted peanuts (use whatever nut(s) you like)
  • 10.5 oz miniature marshmallows (yup, whole bag)
  1. On top of a bain-marie aka a double boiler (or a bowl sitting on top of a pot of boiling water) melt the chocolate with the milk and butter
  2. In a large bowl, combine the nuts and marshmallows. Fold in the chocolate mixture,
  3. Line a 13x9 pyrex with wax paper, if you want your squares to be thinner, line a cookie sheet
  4. Spread the mixture out in an even layer
  5. Chill for 2 hours or until firm, cut into squares
  6. You can cover these and store them at room temperature, but as I said, I love to store mine in the freezer.