Showing 18 Result(s)

Where Did It Come From?

When I married in early 2002, my husband and I chose a cruise to Cozumel as our honeymoon trip. While we spent most days eating pizza on the deck, we did make sure to have at least one meal a day in the dining room where feasts of epic proportion were served every evening. It was in those chandelier-lit tiers that I developed a love of fine dining and an appreciation of the art that is food plating. It is also where I had one of the most disturbing parts of my trip. The evening began with cocktails with the …

Sugar Cane

I have many memories of my grandparents, their home, and farm-to-table life. It is where I spent most weekends and summers, where I learned to cook, and where I experienced quite a few life lessons…including how to make sugar cane syrup. If you’ve never seen the making of cane syrup, it’s not an easy task. Months of growing give way to hours of grueling labor. You have to strip the leaves off the hundreds of canes, let them stand a few days, and then cut the canes – usually by hand with a machete – before transporting it to the …

The Wonderful World of Flour

When I think of the biggest events in my life, pizza is usually in the picture. My first Valentine’s Day with the man who would become my husband was spent eating pepperoni pizza and laughing through a movie on the living room floor in my tiny home. Our honeymoon – a cruise to Mexico – found us at the pizza bar with large slices of goat cheese and basil more often than any other place on the ship. Saying we love pizza is putting it mildly so, when our favorite pizza shop closed its doors a few years ago, I …

Pineapple Bundt Cake

Pineapple Bundt Cake is rich, fruity, and delicious. It is wonderful alone or you can serve with fresh pineapple and chantilly cream. If you prefer a more tropical fare, add pineapple glaze and a sprinkle of toasted coconut too! This is a beautiful bundt cake that is easily adapted to other flavors and should be a staple in your kitchen!

Spicy Carrot Cake

Carrot cake is a wonderful blend of sweet and spice that works perfectly at the end of a meal or accompanied by a cup of hot tea or coffee.  This recipe is easy to make and easier to eat!

Mary’s Cheesecake

Cheesecake is one of those versatile desserts that can be eaten alone or with a variety of toppings to please any palate.  This recipe is simple to make and guaranteed to be the hit of any party!

Seasonal Produce

My appreciation for farm-to-table food began with a salt shaker and a tomato. I can remember the day clearly – my grandfather putting on his old cowboy hat, picking up that Tupperware shaker, and taking my five-year-old hand. As we walked over the grassy yard towards the tilled acres that served as a shared field between my grandmother and her sister, we talked about planting, growing, cooking and how important it was to pick your produce at just the right time. I can still feel the damp earth that squished between my shoeless toes and see the white shaker swinging …

Domino Butter Cookies

Retro has become quite popular so this recipe from 1977 is a must for anyone who loves to bake.  This particular recipe comes from a power company!  Each month they would send out a newsletter of recipes you could use to help keep your heating/cooling costs down as they were simple and quick to bake.  They are also quick to disappear once you’ve had a taste! Unlike many of the sugar-heavy cookies you can buy today, these are  just sweet enough to satisfy a craving but not so sweet that you’ll experience the crash that often comes with too much …