Murgh Kari (Indian Chicken Curry)

At the end of my culinary studies I did a brief externship with Melinda’s Heaven. The owner asked for an article on the curries of Asia and for an original recipe. I so loved the variances that I came up with 3. This is one of those recipes. The article can be found at

Cacik (Turkish Yogurt Dip)

This dip or sauce depending on how thick you make it, is a quick and easy little something to throw together to set off any Turkish Dish you are making.  I served this on top of the Turkish Lamb Pilaf dish that I made and to go along with the Naan Bread that I served to make this meal more rounded out.  I hope you enjoy this.  It was a huge hit here at our house.  Especially with a house full of picky eaters.

Blackberry Yogurt mousse bars

I made this to show you that you can make it with just about any flavor of yogurt. I was not able to find good Blackberries for the top but you could use frozen if you wanted to as long as you drain and dry them before adding them to the top of the mousse. Have fun with try a different crumb for the bottom or try a different flavor of yogurt.

Maple Gooey Butter Cake

Ok first off never heard of this cake so I was kind of hesitant when making it, but it came out really good and was really gooey. It was easy to make and you can make this cake for any get-together.   CandiAnne’s Note: We were stationed at Fort Drum, NY for 4 1/2 years and maple weekend is a huge thing there. You can visit numerous producers, taste their wares, and grab some syrup or other goodies on your way out. In 2007 while visiting the various producers I picked up a bunch of recipe pages on all sorts …

Blueberry Bars

These bars are to die for! I have never really been a fan of blueberries, but these things are PACKED with flavor and are very hard to resist! The crumbly crust, paired with the gooey center of the blueberries make an amazing pair! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Strawberry Angel Food Dessert

This recipe brings back so many nostalgic memories of growing up for me. This dessert was a staple at every family get-together I had growing up. It was there at weddings, at reunions, and bbq’s all summer long. It has that light, airy, fluffy feeling in your mouth and so many different ways to mix it up. Over the years I have used different flavors of Jello and fruits to change it up. You can dress it up and use a bundt pan or angel food pan to prepare it, or as a casserole in a 9×12 pan. No matter …

Sicilian Orange Cake

I have a HUGE weakness for anything orange and every year on my birthday I make myself an orange cake. This is one of many that I do 🙂 If you use a bundt pan be sure to thoroughly grease and flour it so that the cake won’t stick. You can use a bundt, an 8″ springform or round cake pan for this.