8 Servings
Difficulty: Medium
Prep Time: 2 Hr 30 Mins
Cook Time:
1 Hr 10 Mins
Total Time:
3 Hr 40 Mins
Sweet Potato Pie is a classic addition to any southern Thanksgiving Day supper! Or, any meal, for that matter! The flaky, golden pie crust, with the silky, fall-flavored, sweet potato filling will keep the tradition alive. This delicious dessert will be loved by all!
Adjust Servings
- Filling
- Topping
- Pre-measure all ingredients.
- In a medium bowl, sift flour and salt, together.
- Using the rubbing method (Fraisage), mix in chilled butter into the flour mixture, until the dough looks like course lumps.
- Inside the bowl, make a "well" in the center of the dough.
- Pour only he water into the center of the "well".
- Using a plastic dough scraper, mix ingredients together.
- Dump onto lightly floured surface.
- Pull dough together.
- Half the dough with your hands and put one half on top of the other half and press down. Note: Your are encouraging more layers with this step.
- Press down and form into a disc.
- Wrap dough tightly in plastic.
- Place in refrigerator for 4-24 hours. Note: This gives the dough time to rest.
- After the dough has rested, remove from refrigerator and plastic wrap.
- Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees.
- Lightly dust your work surface with flour.
- Place dough on dusted surface and cut dough in half. Note: If you fo not need 2 pie crusts or a top crust, place the unused half back in the plastic wrap and refrigerate for up to 2 days. If it will be longer than 2 days, freeze the dough for later use.
- Dust a rolling pin with flour.
- Begin to roll the pie dough into a circular shape. Rotating dough a half turn after each roll. Note: If dough is sticking to the rolling pin or counter top, add a small amount of flour to these surfaces, and continue.
- If dough gets too warm, refrigerate for 5 minutes, remove and continue rolling out.
- Roll dough to 1/4" thick.
- Place rolling pin at one end of the dough edge.
- Pick up edge of dough and wrap over top of the rolling pin. Continue to roll pin, so that the dough is completely wrapped around it. Note: This is to prevent the dough from tearing, during transfer.
- Pick up rolling pin on either side and transfer dough to pie plate.
- Starting at the edge of pie plate furthest away from you, lay dough edge over the plate edge, so dough slightly hangs over the side.
- Continue to lay the dough over the pie plate, by continuously rolling the pin toward you.
- Gently press dough into the plate by using one hand to lift outer edges of dough, while using the other to lightly press the dough into the plate.
- With a paring knife, cut the excess over-hang of dough along the outside edge of the pie plate.
- If desired, egg wash the edges of the pie crust for a shiny, golden brown color.
- Line inside of pie plate (over the dough), with parchment paper, with a layer of foil on top.
- Fill the foiled surface with pie weights/beans.
- Place in pre-heated oven and blind bake for 15 minutes.
- After 15 minutes, remove paper, foil and beans from pan and "dock" (poke with a fork) the bottom of the pie crust.
- Wrap crust edges in foil or use a pie shield, in order to prevent the top edges from burning.
- Bake for 15 minutes longer. Note: This "drys out" the crust, so as to not have a soggy crust in the finished product.
- Let cool completely. Filling
- Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
- Wash potatos and cut ends off.
- Pierce potatoes with fork.
- Rub down with butter.
- Place on lined baking sheet.
- Bake until fork pokes throughout potato with no resistance.
- Let cool.
- Deskin potatoes.
- Place bare potatoes in a large bowl.
- Using a hand mixer, beat potatoes on high speed, until smooth.
- Pour through fine, mesh sieve. Note: This will ensure a lump-free base and extract fibrous hairs, within the potatoes.
- Place mashed potatoes back into large bowl.
- Add eggs, one at a time. Beating well between each one.
- Add sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Beat well.
- Add in vanilla and cream. Beat until light and fluffy. Note: It should resemble cake batter.
- Pour batter into prepared pie crust.
- Level custard mixture.
- Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
- Note: If desired, use the dough scraps for shape cut-outs and place on top of raw pie and brush with egg wash.
- Move top rack to the upper, bottom-half of the oven. Note: This is to prevent over browning of the crust and cracking in the custard.
- Cover edges of pie crust with foil/pie shield.
- Place pie in oven, on top rack.
- Bake for 40 minutes. Note: The edges of the custard should be set, with a slightly jiggly center.
- Remove from oven and let cool completely on wire rack.
- When ready to serve, garnish with flavored whipped cream. Or, cover with a toasted, sugared pecan topping.
- Refrigerate for up to 3 days, or cover will and leave on counter top for 2 days. Topping
- In the bowl of a stand mixer, whip cream to stiff peaks using the wire whisk attachment.
- Beat in bourbon. Note: DO NOT over whip.
- Put cream in pastry bag with a 1M tip and garnish pie with topping.