Showing 3 Result(s)

Pie Crust Mishap

While speaking to my cousin-in-law Carol recently she decided to share a tale of pie crust gone wrong that had me shaking my head and upon hanging up the phone crying with full blown belly laughter. When it comes to class Carol has it in spades. She’s always dressed meticulously. I honestly can’t recall ever seeing her in jeans. Granted, I didn’t see her often in my 28 years living in Mill Valley but whenever I did she was dressed well. My cousin, Don, her and their children moved into the best neighborhood our town had in 1979 and to …

Merry Christmas

Growing up, Christmas was a big deal for me. School hallways dripped with decorations and letters to Santa. Throughout the town, buildings were aglow with lights and Christmas cheer. Presents nestled under the tree just waiting to be unwrapped. Our family tradition was to visit my dad’s family on Christmas Eve and then go to my Grannie and Pawpaw’s on Christmas day. We thoroughly enjoyed both places but, when it came to my Grannie and Pawpaw’s, the gifts were a little different. We did receive toys and things, but the bulk of it was homemade – crochet slippers and throws, …

The Deer

I am not a venison eater. My husband and sons are and they hunt responsibly each year. While they aren’t trophy hunters, they do occasionally harvest a deer they are extra proud of and so I end up with antlers displayed on my wall. Though it is not my aesthetic, it is their home too, so I try to compromise since they do harvest ethically and responsibly, which is important to me. When we moved into our new home a few years ago, the one thing I told the men was that they could put their “decor” anywhere but the …