4 Servings
Difficulty: Medium
Prep Time: 40 Mins
Cook Time:
8 Hr
Total Time:
8 Hr 40 Mins
My son and my neighbor were the first people to taste this meal. My son told me that it was delicious. I know it was a hearty meal for him because he is a very healthy growing young man. My neighbor told me that it was ok. He cooks as well so he was a bit critical about the dish. I do know that I cooked a successful dish.
Adjust Servings
- Marinade
- Dry Rub
- Noodles
- Gravy
- Mix marinade ingredient and place brisket for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight.
- Mix dry rub ingredients together. When brisket is done marinating, pull from the marinade, pat dry and then season with the dry rub.
- Place brisket in a slow cooker on low for 8 hours.
- When the brisket is close to being done, prepare the noodles of your choice per package directions. Once done and drained, mix them with the butter and parsley
- To make the gravy, mix a slurry of the water and cornstarch and add that to a pot with the drippings. Heat and stir until thickened.