2 Servings
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 25 Mins
Cook Time:
15 Mins
Total Time:
40 Mins
Pictured here with Fried Rice. This chicken dish is sweet and tangy, it’s quite refreshing.
Adjust Servings
- Pour the sherry and lemon juice into a ziploc bag with chicken. Let it marinate at least 20 minutes.
- Mix cornstarch and flour. Dredge both sides of the chicken in this mixture.
- Put 1 tbsp of preferred cooking oil in the pan over medium heat. Fry the chicken until golden on both sides, about 7 minutes per side.
- Turn the stove to low. Cover the chicken and let cook 10 minutes, turning once.
- While chicken is frying in a small saucepan combine ketchup, vinegar, sugar, and soy.
- Add mixture to the pan turning your chicken a few times to coat.