6 Servings
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 30 Mins
Cook Time:
35 Mins
Total Time:
1 Hr 5 Mins
This recipe was so much fun to make, the flavors go amazingly together and make this dish well balanced. The malfatti has a mild enough flavor that it pairs well with the robust sauce, but still flavorful enough that it doesn’t get lost in the sauce. I hope you enjoy making (and eating) this dish as much as I did. Happy cooking!
Adjust Servings
- Pasta Sauce
- The night before you wish to make this recipe, take your ricotta and wrap it in a cheesecloth, place it in a strainer that's over a bowl. Now place a bowl in the strainers, on top of the ricotta and weigh it down with something like cans of food, refrigerate overnight. Malfatti
- Bring a large pot of water to boil, put all of the spinach in the pot and boil for 2 minutes. Strain the spinach and immediately run it under cold water until all spinach is cooled. Place spinach in a cheesecloth and squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Now cut the spinach up into very small pieces, or use a food processor.
- Place the spinach in a medium-sized bowl, add the rest of the ingredients from the "malfatti" portion of the ingredients list. Mix well. The mixture should not stick to your hands, if it's too wet, add a little more flour a tablespoon at a time until mixture no longer sticks to your hands. Set the mixture in the fridge, this will make it easier to form. Pasta Sauce
- Place a medium-large sized pot over medium-high heat, once heated, add your ground beef and chopped onions. When the beef is almost fully browned, add the cherry tomato halves and the garlic. Stir often.
- After the meat is browned drain off the fat in the bottom of the pot. Place back on the heat and add the rest of the ingredients from the "pasta sauce" ingredient list (tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes, oregano, etc.).
- Bring the sauce to a boil and boil it for 3 minutes. Now reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer until time for serving. Malfatti Construction
- Take your malfatti mixture out of the fridge. Roll the mixture into balls (I did rounded tablespoons but you can make them smaller), and place them onto a sheet pan. Place the sheet pan into the fridge.
- Bring a pot of water to boil. Once it's at a boil take your malfatti balls out of the fridge and place them into the water, I did this in rounds so that the malfatti didn't get overcrowded.
- Boil them for 2-4 minutes, they will float to the surface when cooked fully. Strain the malfatti.
- Ladle the desired amount of sauce into a bowl and place the malfatti on top, sprinkle with shredded parmesan, and enjoy!