6 Servings
Difficulty: Easy
This recipe is all about the marinade. Instructions are given for oven, crockpot, and instant pot. The marinade can be thickened to use as gravy as well. This comes out so moist though that gravy isn’t needed, it’s just there for more flavor. Here this roast is pictured with Potato Love Letters
Adjust Servings
- Marinate 24 hours - 3 days
- Oven: 250 degrees, 40 minutes a pound, rest under foil for an hour, heat oven to 500 and brown for 20-30 minutes, turning every so often to brown all the skin
- Crock pot: Give it a good sear on the stove top, about 3 minutes per side. Put meat and marinade into crock pot, low 6 hours or high 2-3
- Instant Pot: Meat/Stew setting, 35 minutes