Bourbon Balls

These were a holiday gift that my cousin Jackie gave to everyone. This is hysterical to me because she was SOOOPER Catholic and never drank. They’re very addictive, I’ve never known anyone who could eat just one and walk away.

Pineapple Bundt Cake

Pineapple Bundt Cake is rich, fruity, and delicious. It is wonderful alone or you can serve with fresh pineapple and chantilly cream. If you prefer a more tropical fare, add pineapple glaze and a sprinkle of toasted coconut too! This is a beautiful bundt cake that is easily adapted to other flavors and should be a staple in your kitchen!

Maple Kisses

I have never made any type of candy before. This was new and exciting for me to prepare. I love doing new recipes. This reminded me of a sweet Werther’s Originals caramel candy     CandiAnne’s Note: We were stationed at Fort Drum, NY for 4 1/2 years and maple weekend is a huge thing there. You can visit numerous producers, taste their wares, and grab some syrup or other goodies on your way out. In 2007 while visiting the various producers I picked up a bunch of recipe pages on all sorts of categories that were put out by …

Old-Time Maple Gingerbread

When fall gets close you start hearing of all things pumpkin spice.  One of those warming spices included in pumpkin spice is ginger.  Ginger is versatile and can be used in savory and sweet cuisine, it has many health benefits, including aiding digestion.  Traditionally in the fall and around the holidays, gingerbread cookies are a mainstay.  This maple gingerbread is a wonderful way to get your gingerbread fix.  It’s simple and easy and bakes up in less than an hour.  Drizzle the warmed maple hard sauce over it and you have a great finish to any meal.

Maple Nut Fudge

I get a very nostalgic feeling when I think of fudge. I watched my grandmother make all kinds of fudge over the years with such ease, and every time it came out so delicious, smooth, and creamy. I have tried, and had many failed attempts over the years at making fudge, so I decided to give it a try again when given this recipe. I am completely amazed at how easy it was to make. It is absolutely every bit as delicious as the fudge my grandmother used to make. It is smooth and silky, and the toasted pecans gave …