Quick and Light Pie

Love Pie, but don’t want to wait until the holiday’s are here? Don’t want to spend too much time preparing or baking pies in the summer? This pie is the quick to make and light for those sweltering dog days of summer. This no bake pie is sure to hit the spot in both time management and taste!

Strawberry Angel Food Dessert

This recipe brings back so many nostalgic memories of growing up for me. This dessert was a staple at every family get-together I had growing up. It was there at weddings, at reunions, and bbq’s all summer long. It has that light, airy, fluffy feeling in your mouth and so many different ways to mix it up. Over the years I have used different flavors of Jello and fruits to change it up. You can dress it up and use a bundt pan or angel food pan to prepare it, or as a casserole in a 9×12 pan. No matter …